Billy Corgan is a vampire. I don’t think anyone can really argue with this because it’s science. And according to him, the world also is a vampire. I interpret this to mean that the world sucks. So, I suppose he was right.
As a planet we are collectively coming unraveled. Climate change, nukes, and greed are in a three-way tie for first in the destroy-earth race. And the general consensus seems to be that it’s “your fault, not mine.”
That’s not helpful.
And truth be told, we asked for it. Our hubris has injected us into an exponentially expanding balloon of self destruction. People are so fucking proud of what they’ve accomplished. Science, technology, space travel, language, you know, the big wins, that’s the stuff that makes us think we’re special. But the thing is, we just aren’t.
Until we are capable of comprehending the dual nature of our existence, we are doomed to fail. Unless we can evolve into beings with a collective mind geared towards growth, it’s over. Our violent urges, greed, selfishness and dishonesty will crush us.
The good news is . . . Yeah, there isn’t any good news.
Listen to metal.